E: carrieann@thefedlineproject.co.uk
T: 07765 235497
Hi, I'm Carrie-Ann
I'm excited to be able to share my enjoyment and passion for cooking with organisations in Rossendale and Blackburn who also work to address food poverty, through the Fedline project.
My inspiration for joining cook stars began with my little girl Heidi who is 2 and is into everything, especially anything that mummy does! She eats very well but I still want her to grow up with a love of cooking and an eagerness to learn. Since I started to cook with Heidi I have realised that there are so many skills that baking and preparing food develops. Not only does it help children develop patience (Heidi always has to have a taste as we are going along!), counting and measuring skills, language skills, prediction... the list goes on!
I am a qualified Primary school teacher with 20 years experience and I love working with children of all ages. I have spent periods of time also volunteering and then working for Childline, Waterstones (I love books!) and in Sure start children's centres.
Please get in touch with me to discuss our programme.